Mary Evans collection of the week: Everett Historical

President Joe Biden with the Biden family dogs, Champ and Major, in the Oval Office of the White House, Feb. 9, 2021 (BSLOC_2021_4_15)

A new update of content from a major contributor is always a good opportunity to throw the spotlight back on that collection, and a case in point is Everett Historical, which has just been boosted by another 500 images.

Everett Collection, established in New York in 1990 takes a wide-ranging view of history, not only of its own American past, but of global events and significant figures. We have represented Everett’s film and historical content since 2012 and periodically add new material, so can now supply almost 45,000 of their historical images. This latest offering includes some excellent colour photography of the civil rights movement along with auspicious presidential portraiture, and takes us right up to date with photographs recording more recent events such as the Covid pandemic, the last days Trump’s term in office, and the first year of Joe Biden’s. Elsewhere, Everett’s span of subject matter takes in trade and industry, war and conflict, places and people and much, much more. Together with our other overseas image partners such as Interfoto, Imagno and Suddeutsche Zeitung, Everett is one of those collections whose comprehensive range make it a rich and reliable resource to draw on.

You can view this latest batch here.

Mary Evans newsletter – 14 October, 2021.
President Joe Biden with the Biden family dogs, Champ and Major, in the Oval Office of the White House, Feb. 9, 2021 ©Mary Evans / The Everett Collection