Keyword Clinics Webinar with Clemency Wright

Starting in January 2024, Clemency Wright is Running a Series of Keywording Clinics Exclusively for BAPLA Members.

Thursday 18 January - 16:30-17:30 BST

Join Clemency Wright for an introductory webinar to Keywording Clinics, launching Jan 2024. Keywording Clinics provide a unique opportunity for BAPLA members to work directly with Clemency for a set period of time, providing one-on-one consultancy at an affordable cost. The content for each Clinic will be highly tailored to the specific needs, requirements and interests of participating individuals and organisations. In this webinar Clemency will explain the three stages of the Clinics: Discovery, Collaboration and Follow-up, and provide more detail about how the Clinics work, how to prepare, what to expect and how participants learn.

Also included is a preview of upcoming webinars that will focus on specific issues such as the evolving changes to keywording catalysed by AI tools and the implementation of strategies that foster greater inclusivity influenced by LGBTQ+.


Clemency Wright

Clemency Wright Consulting

Clemency Wright is a Keywording Consultant helping creative businesses optimise access and visibility to digital content online using strategic Keywording methodologies. Providing bespoke Keywording as an outsourced service, as well as Keywording training workshops and consultancy. Specialising in developing Controlled Vocabularies for creative photography and video, and developing Metadata schemas for in-house image databases and Digital Asset Management systems.

Clemency trained as a Keyworder at Getty Images in 2001, before becoming a Search Vocabulary Editor responsible for creating and editing Getty’s vocabulary of Keywords powering the customer website. In her customer-facing role at V&A Images, Clemency managed design and advertising customer accounts, and advised upon Keywording methodology for the V&A Images online collection.

Clemency blends Keywording expertise for both commercial and non-profit organisations. Clients include Save The Children, World Vision and The Art Fund, as well as stock photographers, videographers and photo licensing agencies.

Image credit: ©Cameron Dowson


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