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Exposure is the first photographer-first image library. We want to change what’s been before by flipping the current financial model of a photo library on its head. This means the photographer gets 70% of the fee.

Our Contributors:

As an Exposure contributor, you get the lion’s share of the fee from each image purchase. This can be a chance to either sell your out-of-licence images, images you create on the side of your primary work or the ones you took 10 years ago which are gathering dust on a hard drive. You decide.

Our Buyers:

When you buy an image from Exposure, then you are directly supporting the photographer. Every image has been curated so we have the best photographic talent available. Forget millions of images where an algorithm picks what you see. You’ll have access to unique, one of a kind images that you won’t find anywhere else. Our pricing plan is simple and fair. Above all, we believe photographers should be paid for their talent.

Our purpose is beyond profit. We’ve created a respectable selling community where the photographers feel like their work is genuinely being valued and a space which feels worthy for them to share their incredible work. We’re completely transparent and give each contributor their own portfolio page so buyers can contact and commission them directly.

Whether you are a potential contributor or buyer, find out to see what we have on offer and how we can benefit each other, fairly.

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