Lee Miller Archives


Farleys House & Gallery, Farley Farm, Muddles Green, Chiddingly, Lewes BN8 6HW, United Kingdom

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The Lee Miller Archives holding includes some 60,000 negatives, mainly black and white, most of her manuscripts, captions, notes, letters and ephemeral material covering subject areas:

Surrealists, celebrities, fashion, artists, poets and writers from the late 1920's to the 1970's including Agar, Braque, Carrington, Cocteau, Dietrich, Delvaux, Eluard, Ernst, Maar, Magritte, Man Ray, Miro, Morre, Paolozzi, Roland Penrose, Picasso, Schiaparelli, Steinberg, Tapies, Dylan Thomas.

Extensive studies of Egypt; Syria; Romania; World War 2 in London and Europe covering the Blitz, WRNS/ATS, ST Malo, Paris Liberation, USA & Russian Link-up at Torgau, liberation of concentration camps.

We also hold approximately 3,000 photographs by Roland Penrose and photography by David E. Scherman, Man Ray, Antony Penrose and Andrew Lanyon.

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