National Museums Northern Ireland Picture Library

National Museums Northern Ireland Picture Library


Ulster Folk and Transport Museum, Cultra, Holywood BT18 0EU, United Kingdom

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Collections of the Ulster Museum, Ulster Folk & Transport Museum, Ulster American Folk Park & Armagh County Museum cover archaeology, ethnography, fine and applied art, botany, zoology, geology, local history and industrial archaeology.

The picture library holds 4000 b&w negatives and 5x4 colour transparencies, mainly of the Art Collection of paintings, water colours and sculptures (illustrated colour catalogue available) and the Antiquities Collections, particularly the Treasures of the Armada.

The Welch and Hogg Collections - 50,000 b&w prints dating from 1800-1942 - are held in the Local History department and a catalogue of the Welch Collection is available.

Images can be supplied in digital format if required.

New photography can be arranged on request

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