Nature Picture Library


5a Great George Street, Bristol BS1 5RR, United Kingdom

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Images and Inspiration from the Natural World

Nature Picture Library is one of the world’s leading collections of wildlife and nature images and footage.

We represent more than 400 specialists and cover all aspects of the natural world – animals, plants, marine life, agriculture, pets, landscapes, conservation and the environment.

We are experienced at supplying images to editorial, commercial and merchandising clients worldwide and offer authentic expert information to accompany our images.

We also create book, feature and calendar concepts and work with clients to bring them to fruition.

Our contributing photographers have photographed many rare species, worked in the most remote and extreme environments, and captured many unique insights into the natural world and animal behaviour.

We are passionate about the importance of conservation and each quarter make a donation from our sales revenue to a selected conservation project.

We are proud to represent SCOTLAND: The Big Picture, Wild Wonders of China, 2020VISION, Meet Your Neighbours and Wild Wonders of Europe.

More than 500,000 images are available from our website

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