
A creative and resourceful Picture Researcher with over 15 years publishing experience, Lorraine Beck provides high quality media tailored to market needs, delivered on time and to budget. She has worked on fine art, educational and academic projects across both print and digital platforms, including a wide range of ELT courses for all levels and markets for clients in the UK and overseas including Pearson, Macmillan and Cengage Learning. She offers picture and footage research, project management, licensing and usage agreements, rights clearance for versioning and new editions.

She works with a detailed awareness of cultural sensitivities for different markets and of supplying media that promote diversity and inclusion and has experience sourcing media from a worldwide network of suppliers including agencies, museums, artists, educational institutions and private individuals.

Prior to freelancing, Lorraine worked inhouse for both Macmillan and Pearson in a range of editorial and production roles, so has a strong technical background in print production and is meticulous at record keeping to ensure accurate picture credits and logging of images used.

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