
Salim Henry is founder and owner of Salim Henry Picture Agency (SHENPA), a multimedia agency based in Lusaka, Zambia that provides editorial and non-editorial content to print, social, mobile and television channels around the world.

For all six years of the Edgar Chagwa Lungu administration, the sixth president of the Republic of Zambia (2015-2021), Salim Henry was the Official Presidential Photographer and responsible for coverage of the official day-to-day duties of the president. With over 25 years experience in multimedia production, Salim's content has been used by Reuters News Agency, Associated Press (AP), Agency France Presse (AFP), New York Times, Time Magazine, Newsweek, Al-Jazeera-News Channel and all the top Zambian dailies; The Post, Zambia Daily Mail, Times of Zambia, News Diggers and The Mast. Salim is responsible for generating editorial and commercial content for many international clients and is for assignments.

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