October 5, 2023

BAPLA FOCUS 2023 in Pictures

Thank you to everyone who attended FOCUS 2023 held at Iconic Images Gallery, in London's Piccadilly. The event was a resounding success, with an impressive turnout. It was wonderful to see both new and familiar faces, all engaging with the stunning images on display and taking the opportunity to develop new connections in the beautiful venue generously provided by Iconic Images.

It was a day filled with productive discussions, and valuable insights on generative AI, highlighting positive outcomes, as well as areas requiring further careful consideration. Throughout the event a recurring theme was to significance of uniting as a collective voice to drive policy change regarding generative AI that would enhance and benefit the image licensing industry.

And finally a huge thank you from BAPLA to our sponsors, FADEL, PICSEL and to Iconic Images Gallery for their incredible support.

Images of FOCUS 2023 at Iconic Images Gallery, September 2023 © BAPLA

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